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C Curl Tray, Mixed Tray - .15 mm

  • Product Type: Lash Extension/Lift Tools
  • Description
  • Packaging Structure
C-Curls have a perkier, fresher curl. They can be mixed together to achieve all the specific goals you and your client agree can be accomplished. Incorporating C-Curls can be daunting at first, if you've only been exposed to J-Curls. The big secret? Take care to match the base of the natural lash to the curvature of the base of the C-Curl. A natural lash that is flexible and in good condition (not brittle, etc.) is a desirable candidate for any extension.


  • 1 Tray of Lash Extensions
  • UPC: 810691020351


  • Not Applicable


  • 120 Trays
  • UPC: 00810691020351


  • 14,400 Trays