- Description
- Packaging Structure
Make your own bespoke looks depending on the look you want: use more for a bold, full look or just a few to accent your natural lashes, or to fill in sparseness. Easy enough for beginners to use and customizable enough for the pros.
- Medium length
- 10 strands per individual cluster
- Apply with strip lash adhesive for one day wear or individual lash adhesive for up to 2 weeks of wear
- Knot-Free Invisiband® provides an undetectable lash band and the most comfortable wear
- 1 Pair of Lashes in a Pack
- UPC: 074764650528
- 4 Packs
- UPC: 70074764650527
- 72 Packs
- UPC: 10074764650527
- 5,184 Packs